MitoEAGLE MC Meeting 2021

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MitoEAGLE MC Meeting 2021

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MitoEAGLE MC Meetingvia email: The duration of the COST Action MitoEAGLE has been extended to 2021 Feb 28. We requested a further extension, so far without success.

This MC Meeting is initiated by a circular to MC Members and Substitutes, asking for written summaries to be presented on this website and included in the MitoEAGLE report. The MC Meeting will extend until 2021-Feb-23 as the final date for collection of input from our Working Groups and MC.


MitoEAGLE (2021-02-10 to 23) MitoGlobal



Dear MC Member and MC Substitues. Please provide information on the following topics (questions) that applied to your activities per mail to [email protected] until February 23rd


1. Dissemination of updated knowledge and know-how among the partners (Achievement of a specific tangible output that cannot be achieved without international coordination)
The dissemination of updated knowledge is important for experienced researchers, especially regarding current projects. As all MitoEAGLE publications are open access, any interested researcher has immediate access to the results of the action and can benefit from it. The MitoEAGLE website is another useful tool to support the dissemination of knowledge, as it offers a large collection of relevant preprints, publications, and protocols, which are always up-to-date and therefore create a platform where recent know-how is accessible. Additionally, MitoEAGLE action papers are also published on the Facebook and the Research Gate page.
Moreover, several projects are still in the process of final manuscript preparation, such as harmonization of protocols, which not only help to create clear guidelines for other researchers but also lead to the exchange of know-how among the individual Working Groups. Currently, with the COVID-19 crisis several international studies are running slow, and therefore a big delay in unifying procedures and creating reference values and determining the best experimental approaches to mitochondrial respirometry in general occurs.
Calabria E: 1. It is out of doubt that MitoEAGLE organizers and participants created the conditions for dissemination of knowledge in different forms ranging through publications, preprints, protocols exchange and harmonization and exchange of know-how. Mitoeagle WG meetings have been a unique source of ideas, discussion of projects and promotion of exchanges, and greatly fostered harmonization. STSMs and Training schools in particular helped to the dissemination of knowledge and to harmonization. In particular Adela Jusic spent 10 days (Jan 12-25th 2020) in our lab (Department of Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement) as a training in the study of mitochondrial function in PBMCs. It should have been also the basis for a collaborative work, but unfortunately, this was just before the lock-down in 2020, and no further development is pending. Other collaborations developed with MitoEAGLE participants, but also locally at our University I had the opportunity of collaborations with others groups interested to expand investigations in mitochondrial physiology.
The COVID-19 pandemic led an unmeasurable damage to all these activities and to the growth process. The finalization of joint publications concerning both blood cells (WG4) and skeletal muscle fibers (WG2) is pending due to the pandemic, which prevented us from getting together to bring the work to a conclusion. All the meetings, shools, STSMs have been suspended.

2. Collaborative relationships among the participating groups of the Action and interested end-users
Up to now, the outstanding example of collaborative work during the COST MitoEAGLE Action, which builds and improves the relationship among MitoEAGLE member and interested end-user, is the MitoEAGLE paper "Mitochondrial physiology". 666 scientists from all over the world joint for this manuscript and the outcome can be tracked on the MitoEAGLE website and is therefore accessible for researchers and the public. It was submitted in the Bioenergetics Communication Journal:
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - In the WG2, we stablished different collaborations which resulted and will result in join publications and potential further collaborations:
  • The Human vastus lateralis study includes 15 authors (mentors and ECI) from 8 different institutions and 5 different countries (4 from Europe, 1 in US). MitoEAGLE muscle 1
  • 4 ECI members (3 countries from Europe) from the MitoEAGLE Cost Action participated in a join publication: Ost 2018 Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care
  • We are currently working in a join publication (17 different research groups) for a protocol in permeabilized muscle fibers which allows to generate reference values across different laboratories. Participating scientist are from laboratories based in Europe, USA and Canada. Unfortunately the progression of our work was significantly delayed by Covid-19 incidence.
3. Harmonized protocols across research groups
Working Group meetings were organized in order to proceed intensively with the harmonization of protocols across research groups and to compare protocols (sample preparation, experimental details)
Vilmante Borutaite, Odeta Arandarcikaite, Cristiane Cecatto and Timea Komlodi worked on harmonization of protocols for preparation of mice whole brain mitochondria. The results were planned to be discussed on the MS Meeting in 2020. However, a planned deliverable (an optimized protocol of preparation of mice brain mitochondria) was prevented from completion by the pandemic restrictions. ~ Vilmante Borutaite
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - In the WG2, we harmonized protocols for the study of mitochondrial function in human permeabilized muscle fibers. The findings are collected in a join publication in which we are currently working: MitoEAGLE muscle 1. The study in mouse permeabilized soleus muscle fibers which allows to generate reference values across different laboratories is another example of harmonization of protocols.
4. Coordinated research activities of scientific proposals in the European Research Area (Achievement of a specific tangible output that cannot be achieved without international coordination)
The progress in the protocol harmonization is a perfect example for successful coordinated research activity in the European research area. All WGs participated and are preparing manuscripts in their respective field of interest. Thereby the knowledge of various laboratories and research groups all over Europe (and overseas) are combined. The MitoEAGLE terminology BEC publication is worth mentioning under this objective. Especially in the field of mitochondrial terminology,where so much conflict regarding expressions and nomenclature existed and still partly persists, it is important to clarify the topic with a structured publication. This manuscript will facilitate particularly interdisciplinary cooperation across borders, as it helps to establish not only a common language but also clarifies concepts.
5. Increased number of active participants in the course of the COST Action
In order to maintain the success achieved in this objective, the MitoEAGLE Action welcomes the policy of supporting and establishing Europe-wide centers of excellence in science. Furthermore, the action emphasizes the clearance of obstacles by creating cooperation opportunities for all participants, especially for ITCs, ECIs, and female researchers.
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - Agree with the content. If you want to add something more specific from each WG: In the WG2, we facilitate 1) that all members, but mainly ECI participate actively, 2) that ECI members could interact and learn from mentors in the different activities organized (including retreats) and 3) that ECI presented results obtained in the different studies of the WG2.

6. Unique well-coordinated network of senior researchers and young investigators
With our meet the expert groups we are coordinating a balanced network between young and senior scientists. This way we motivate senior researchers to mentor the younger investigators and also attract the young scientist to join meetings and ask questions they always wanted to ask. The idea of MitoEAGLE mentors is not only for MitoEAGLE events but also as an opportunity for students and ECIs to get in contact with a mentor at any time.
7. Well established stakeholders included
Many established researchers and professors, who are highly renowned in mitochondrial research, joined the MitoEAGLE action. These members help to achieve the goals of the COST action through active participation in research projects, mentorship or public lectures. In general, they support the action with their knowledge and promote the agenda of MitoEAGLE even further. In addition, we are able to welcome numerous universities and other institutions as members of our COST Action.Particularly noteworthy are the 56 institutions that act as STSM hosts.
8. Spirit of mentorship and collaboration in contrast to fierce competition which characterised early decades of bioenergetics
Working on joint publications or data collections and writing joint guidelines ensures effective collaboration and not competition. Our current studies are an excellent example, as we inform all members via email newsletters about the current status of a manuscript or inform them about open calls in the Working Groups in order for them to contribute if interested. Therefore, if someone is interested in current studies, they can contact the WG-leaders or other listed members any time
9. Applications for funding to support international collaborative research projects
10. Results of collaborative research projects within the COST Action, particularly related to STSMs supported by the Action.
The MitoEAGLE BEC2020.1 is the result of a large-scale collaboration of 666 co-authors within the MitoEAGLE project.
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - In WG2, both manuscripts related to permeabilized muscle studies (soleus and human studies) are a result of a collaboration between different research groups and countries. In the Human vastus lateralis study, 15 authors (mentors and ECI) from 8 different research institutions and 5 different countries (4 from Europe, 1 in US) collaborate. STSMs supported by the COST Action helped the Human vastus lateralis study. In the soleus study 17 different research groups collaborate and a total of 2 STSMs were related to the study.
Nadege Zanou (WG2) and Alba Gonzalez-Franquesa (WG3) were at Garcia-Roves lab (STSM) and as part of these collaborations there are 2 manuscript submitted. One under assessment in Nature Comm. (Zanou et al. evaluated after first review resubmission) and the second one is available as a preprint at BioRxiv, (doi:
Jansen-Duerr Pidder - A short-term scientific mission (STSM) was performed by Max Holzknecht from our lab who visited the laboratory of Prof. Thomas Braun at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim, Germany, from Feb. 1 - 28, 2020 to investigate mitochondrial function in the heart of a knock-out mouse strain from our lab. Unfortunately, this was the last international activity before the lock-down in spring 2020, and no further international collaborations have been realized.
We would have planned to carry out another STSM where a student from my lab would carry out studies of mitochondrial function in the BAT of a knock-out mouse strain from our lab in the laboratory of Christian Wolfrum (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. This was not possible due to pandemic restrictions.
Calabria E: 2. Adela Jusic spent 10 days (Jan 12-25th 2020) in our lab (Department of Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement) as a training in the study of mitochondrial function in PBMCs. It should have been also the basis for a collaborative work, but unfortunately, this was just before the lock-down in 2020, and no further development is pending
11. MITOEAGLE recommendations: The goal is to increase the value and reduce the noise in mitochondrial research. Prespecified and time-stamped protocols are needed in practice, and researchers need to be introduced into adhering to publicly deposited protocols in practice. MITOEAGLE recommendations will provide practical guidelines for students, scientists and stakeholders.
The harmonization of protocols across research groups and the comparison of protocols is the beginning of the task to provide a guideline for all researchers and support them with future writing tasks. Moreover, the MitoEAGLE publication brings a better understanding of the terminology in mitochondrial research.
12. A monitored database – centres of excellence: The MITOEAGLE database will provide an invaluable tool for mitochondrial studies in the transition from exploratory preclinical research to clinical and pharmacological applications. Centres of excellence will emanate from the project’s working groups providing training programmes and diagnostic services
A training programme has been developed for instructors in proficiency training,allowing for the establishment of Centers of excellence based on inter-laboratory quality checks, to reduce the variability of data obtained and generate a database with solid reference values on mitochondrial respiratory function in different tissues and species.
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - A training programme has been developed for instructors in proficiency training, allowing for the establishment of Centers of excellence based on inter-laboratory quality checks, to reduce the variability of data obtained and generate a database with solid reference values on mitochondrial respiratory function in different tissues and species. This aspect is particularly emphasized in the action tasks carried out by WG2 that unfortunately were delayed and unfinished due to Covid-19.
13. Training: Enhance the rigorous training activities particularly for PhD students and young researchers (STSMs, Schools, Workshops, Conferences) in order to establish the practical guidelines introduced by MITOEAGLE and to enhance research results in the long term
Once a year a training school is organized where the participation of students and ECIs are financially supported and mitochondrial research is taught.
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - Once a year a training school is organized where the participation of students and ECIs are financially supported and mitochondrial research is taught. Multiple STSMs took place where young researchers visit other lab to be trained in specific techniques and initiate collaborations. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 measurements in Europe and worldwide, STSMs, Schools, Workshop and Conferences have been cancelled since March 2020.


1. Guidelines for future research and recommendations for the evaluation of respiratory characteristics in human respirometric samples (WG1)
2. A database on mt fitness evaluated with humans’ cells and tissues (WG1)
3. Training of researchers towards improved reproducibility of sample preparation and respirometric evaluation (1/3 - WG1)
4. Training of researchers towards improved reproducibility of sample preparation and respirometric evaluation (2/3 - WG1)
5. Training of researchers towards improved reproducibility of sample preparation and respirometric evaluation (3/3 - WG1)
6. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of results obtained in ongoing studies by comparison with a reference sample (WG1)
7. An expanded MitoEAGLE database (WG1)
8. A joint publication documenting the results of the MitoEAGLE-PT (WG1)
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - In the WG2, we are working in a join publication (17 different groups) for a protocol in permeabilized muscle fibers which allows to generate reference values across different laboratories. In this publication, we have collected the results of respirometric studies in permeablized fibers of several international research groups (17). It can be considered as a PT for the evaluation of the skills preparing permeabilized muscle fibers. A short communication showed as a preprint is available in the following link:
Calabria E: Hoppel 2019 Front Physiol
9. A multi-authored publication towards a unification of concepts and nomenclature in mitochondrial physiology (1/3 - WG1)
BEC 2020.1
10. A multi-authored publication towards a unification of concepts and nomenclature in mitochondrial physiology (2/3 - WG1)
BEC 2020.1
11. A multi-authored publication towards a unification of concepts and nomenclature in mitochondrial physiology (3/3 - WG1)
BEC 2020.1
12. A library of protocols for sample preparation and examination by respirometry (WG1)
13. A multi-authored publication with recommendations of comparable standard protocols and procedures (WG1)
BEC 2020.1
14. Guidelines as to the optimum use of a reference sample for determination of respiration and related parameters of interest (WG1)
15. The MitoEAGLE data management system (WG1)
16. A continuously updated MitoEAGLE database for the use as reference data and guideline towards application of optimised protocols, ultimately leading towards standardisation (WG1)
17. A joint publication on the use of the MitoEAGLE database and management system (WG1)
BEC 2020.1
18. An education programme for the use of MitoEAGLE database and management system (WG1)
19. A MitoEAGLE database on muscle tissue from humans and model organisms (WG2)
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - Difficult to achieve under current circumstances but we were on the way to build up the basis for it (human study and soleus study).
20. A set of guidelines for future studies on mitochondrial bioenergetics in muscle tissue (WG2)
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - We are working in a join publication (MitoEAGLE muscle 1) which provides interlaboratory harmonization of respiratory protocols and guidelines for studies in human permeabilized muscle fibers. Preliminary results were published as a preprint:
Currently, we are working in the draft of the publication, however the Covid-19 situation during the last year avoided productive meetings, which had helped the finalization of the publication as it was expected. In 2020, we incorporated the independent analysis of the data obtained by statisticians. However, this part didn’t progress efficiently due to the meeting restrictions. Our next steps are: 1) finish and include a final analysis by the statisticians and 2) finish the manuscript. Our plan is to have a final preprint for the publication by May 2021, therefore an extension of the project will allow to reach this milestone within the MitoEAGLE project.
21. A draft of the review manuscript (WG2)
MitoEAGLE muscle 1
Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - In 2018, we published a review which provides an overview of strategies to evaluate mitochondrial respiration in different sample preparations, including muscle: Ost 2018 Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care
In 2020 several COST MITOEAGLE members published a review article as part of the actions organized by WG2:
  • Altered mitochondrial metabolism in the insulin-resistant heart. Makrecka-Kuka M, Liepinsh E, Murray AJ, Lemieux H, Dambrova M, Tepp K, Puurand M, Käämbre T, Han WH, de Goede P, O'Brien KA, Turan B, Tuncay E, Olgar Y, Rolo AP, Palmeira CM, Boardman NT, Wüst RCI, Larsen TS. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2020 Mar;228(3):e13430. doi: 10.1111/apha.13430. Epub 2019 Dec 30.
22. Guidelines for future research and recommendations for the evaluation of respiratory characteristics in fat tissue (WG3)
23. A database on mt-fitness evaluated with fat tissue from humans and model organisms and post-study reports (PubMed Commons) (WG3)
24. A draft of the review manuscript (WG3)
25. SOPs for blood cell separation and respirometric characterization open for the research community (WG4)
MitoEAGLE blood cells 1
26. MitoEAGLE data repository for comparative data evaluation, planning of future studies data mining (WG4)
27. Publication with a set of reference data (WG4)

Feedback to other outputs

  • Action Outputs / Achievements as direct results from the COST Action activities. These can be codified knowledge, tacit knowledge, technology and societal applications
  • The impact of the Action on the careers, skills and network of researchers, stakeholder engagement, and the list of specific impacts resulting from the action
  • The Action's Dissemination and Exploitation Activities
  • Please describe the Action’s dissemination and exploitation approach as well as all activities undertaken to ensure dissemination and exploitation of Action results and the effectiveness of these activities
  • Taking into account the achievements, impacts and policy implementation of the Action - please describe the two most significant Successes of the Action

General Feedback from MC Members

  • Pirkmajer S In the name of our group at Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, I am sending an overview of activities that have been facilitated/enabled by MitoEAGLE since October 2019.
Activities (Laboratory for Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Participants: Professor dr. Tomaž Marš, docent dr. Sergej Pirkmajer, Klemen Dolinar
MitoEAGLE collaborators: Professor dr. Pablo Garcia-Roves, Professor dr. Arild Rustan, Professor dr. Nataša Kopitar Jerala
Since October 2019 MitoEAGLE has facilitated the following collaborative activities of our group:
1. Two papers in collaboration with Professors Arild Rustan and Hege Thoresen (2020, 2021)*Marš et al. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2020; Jan et al. PLOS One 2021.
2. Co-mentorship of a 2nd year PhD student Klemen Dolinar (mentor: dr. S. Pirkmajer. Co-mentor Professor Pablo M. Garcia-Roves). Official procedures at our university will start this month.
3. Collaborative grant application for Slovenian Research Agency in 2021 (dr. S. Pirkmajer, Prof. T. Marš, K. Dolinar, Prof. A. Rustan)
4. Local project collaboration of MitoEAGLE participants in Slovenia – two manuscripts in preparation (dr. S. Pirkmajer, K. Dolinar at Faculty of Medicine and Prof. N. Kopitar Jerala form Jozef Stefan Institute)
In 2020 we planned that Klemen Dolinar would participate in short-term scientific mission in the laboratory of Prof. Pablo Garcia-Roves in Barcelona but the visit was prevented by the pandemic.
  • Rustan A Activities (Section for Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Department of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Norway). Participants: Arild Rustan and Jenny Lund
Since October 2019 MitoEAGLE has facilitated the following activities:
1. One paper: Substrate oxidation in primary human skeletal muscle cells is influenced by donor age.
Under Acknowledgements in this paper: Jenny Lund and Arild C. Rustan are members of the COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE. I presented some of these data at the Belgrade conference 2019.
2. International project collaboration with MitoEAGLE participants: S. Pirkmajer, Tomaz Mars, Slovenia. Projects with human skeletal muscle cells and exercise models in vitro. Two joint publications, see update from Pirkmajer.
3. Local project collaboration with MC member KJ Tronstad in Bergen, Norway. Projects with energy metabolism in muscle cells (and other cell models) using Oroboros, seahorse and our fuel handling method with labeled substrates.
  • Garcia-Roves Pablo Miguel and Doerrier C - MitoEAGLE Action allowed the strong interaction between different researchers from the same field and interdisciplinary (e.g. statisticians). These interactions have an important impact in their careers, mainly for ECI which had the opportunity to learn and be guided by mentors with a long expertise in the field. Moreover, different publications and future collaborations are a result of the MitoEAGLE project.
We should emphasize the web and facebook for dissemination.
An important point to stress is the irreversible damage that the finalization of the COST action without taking into account the unproductive period due covid-19 restrictions. At least, a more than justified prorogue will be approved, we will have a significant percentage of the tasks designed and implemented during previous terms unfinished; which, unfortunately and dramatically, will be a great loss of work, time and resources.
Deviations from planned training activities due to pandemic restrictions:
The planned participation of lab members at several scientific symposia in Europe and the US could, unfortunately, not be realized due to COVID-related event cancellations.
Moreover, a summer school for our joint doctoral programs AGE-REG/ARDRE could not be realized for the same reason. Instead, it was held virtually from May 27-28, 2020.
The recruitment of PhD students to the international PhD program COFUND ARDRE has also been significantly delayed by the COVID-19 related restrictions.
Finally, work in my lab was significantly delayed in spring 2020, when access of employees to our laboratories was restricted over a period of six weeks.
  • Moisoi N - Since last MitoEAGLE/MC meeting in Belgrade 2019 I have been involved with colleagues from UK and Serbia in working on a review related to evaluation of mitochondrial homeostasis in cellular models of Parkinson’s disease. The project involved a mix of ECR and senior researchers.
This has now been submitted for consideration to Bioenergetics Communication: Mitochondrial homeostasis in cellular models of Parkinson’s Disease; Nina Krako Jakovljevic, Brad Ebanks, Lisa Chakrabarti, Ivanka Markovic, Nicoleta Moisoi
This work contributes to Objectives 1, 2, 6 and Deliverables 26, 27
The project has also led to ideas that will be further developed into joint research projects and joint applications for funding, Objective 9.
This group of researchers from UK and Serbia has begun interlaboratory comparisons for protocols related to studies of mitochondrial homeostasis in cellular models of disease. The work will continue into 2021 as the current pandemic difficulties have delayed laboratory work.
  • Genova Maria Luisa - I would like to recall that a year ago (January 2020) a group of 10 MitoEAGLE members joined as a consortium of European scientists to apply for funding from the MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE ACTION of Horizon 2020.
Unfortunately, our research proposal (Q-BIOL, see attached information) was not included in the list of projects funded by the European Commission. Nevertheless, I think it was a great opportunity for all MitoEAGLE members involved to share project ideas for a possible scientific collaboration. Furthermore, it is still not excluded that we will try to submit the Q-BIOL project again in the future.


2021, MitoEAGLE, MiP, MitoGlobal 

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