MiPNet12.16 1st MitoPathways Workshop

From Bioblast
Publications in the MiPMap
MiPNet Reference Laboratories
1st MitoPathways Workshop. 17-20 April 2007. Mitochondr Physiol Network 12.16: 1-4.

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Oroboros (2007) Mitochondr Physiol Network

Abstract: β€’ Keywords: MitoPathways

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros

Labels: MiParea: mt-Awareness 

Coupling state: OXPHOS 

First MitoPathways Workshop: MitoPathways - Integrated Mitochondrial Function

Mitochondrial respiratory control by substrates, functional diagnosis of mitochondrial defects and tissue characterization

General information

Date: 17-20 April 2007, following the 39th O2k-Course
Arrival: Tuesday, 17 April (or Friday, 13 April for O2k-Course)
Departure: Friday, 20 April, morning
Location: Schroecken, Vorarlberg, Austria
Travel: Arrival in Bregenz or Innsbruck until early afternoon, for organized transfer to Schroecken (c. 2 hours from Innsbruck; c. 1 hour from Bregenz).

Oroboros Instruments supports a new project on MitoPathways: Respirometric Diagnosis of Mitochondrial Defects and Tissue Characterization - MiPNet Protocols for High-Resolution Respirometry

The schemes on MitoPathways may help in the design and interpretation of various experiments on isolated mitochondria and permeabilized cells and tissue or homogenates. It is important to provide validated guidelines particularly for scientists starting in the field (and many groups are beginning now with the Oroboros O2k). Thus a stong database is emerging, and guidance will help to move the field towards standardization.


Participant Institution
Robert Boushel Boushel Robert DK Copenhagen Dela F: University of Copenhagen, Center for Healthy Aging, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences (DK)
Zdenek Drahota Drahota Zdenek CZ Prague Houstek J: Institute of Physiology, Deptartement of Bioenergetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CZ)
Elmer Eskil SE Lund Elmer E: Mitochondrial Pathophysiology Unit, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University (SE)
Flemming Dela DK Copenhagen Dela F: University of Copenhagen, Center for Healthy Aging, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences (DK)
Antonio Galina Galina Antonio BR Rio de Janeiro Galina A: Instituto de BioquΓ­mica MΓ©dica UFRJIBqM, UFRJ, Lab. BioenergΓ©tica e Fisiologia Mitocondrial, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Erich Gnaiger Gnaiger Erich AT Innsbruck Oroboros: CEO, Oroboros Instruments and Medical University of Innsbruck, D. Swarovski Research Laboratory (AT)
Haas Richard US CA San Diego Haas RH: Pediatric Neurology Division, University of California San Diego (USA)
Hansson Magnus SE Lund Elmer E: Mitochondrial Pathophysiology Unit, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University (SE)
Hesselink Matthijs NL Maastricht Schrauwen P: Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University (NL)
Hoeks Joris NL Maastricht Schrauwen P: Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University (NL)
Charles Hoppel Hoppel Charles US OH Cleveland Hoppel CL: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Center for Mitochondrial Diseases, Center for Inherited Disorders of Energy Metabolism, Department of Pharmacology (USA)
Andrey Kozlov Kozlov Andrey AT Vienna Kozlov AV: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Experimental Clinical Traumatology (AT)
Kraunsoee Regitze DK Copenhagen Dela F: University of Copenhagen, Center for Healthy Aging, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences (DK)
Steen Larsen Larsen Steen DK Copenhagen Dela F: University of Copenhagen, Center for Healthy Aging, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences (DK)
Helene Lemieux Lemieux Helene AT Innsbruck Oroboros (AT)
Rosca Mariana Cleveland (USA)
Rodrigue Rossignol Rossignol Rodrigue FR Bordeaux Rossignol R: UniversitΓ© Victor Segalen (FR)
Scandurra Francesca AT Innsbruck Oroboros (AT)
Schrauwen Patrick NL Maastricht Schrauwen P: Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University (NL)
Smolkova Katharina CZ Prague Jezek P: Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CZ)
van Marken Lichtenbelt Wouter NL Maastricht Schrauwen P: Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University (NL)
Vazquez Edwin Cleveland (USA)


  • Functional diagnosis of mitochondrial respiratory diseases;
  • Protocols, media, experimental detail;
  • Analysis of Oxygraph traces and quantitative results;
  • Compilation of a data base;
  • Preparation of protocols and recommendations.
  • New trends (possibly second-stage): multi-parameter analyses; mitochondrial network organization; correlation of genomic and functional parameters; ..

An interest in standardization of protocols - the O2k-Courses have raised this topic before (e.g. IOC16 - 1998).

Suggestions for Presentations

Elmer Eskil: If there is room for a general session of questions related to the O2k and its use:

  • calcium insults in intact and permeabilised cells;
  • the suitability of using BSA when detecting mitochondrial dysfunction following sepsis/ischemia/Huntingtons disease/neurotoxicology;
  • the buffer and pH buffering to use with human platelets and white blood cells and the pH buffer to use when cultured cells are transferred from a 5% CO2 atmosphere to the O2k;
  • cover slip holder/stopper for the O2k (to be able to mount multiple coverslips with attached cells in the O2k).

Schrauwen Patrick: 10 minutes discussion is too short. .. It is much easier to discuss problems directly after presenting results. ..

In such way we can answer the following questions during/after our presentations:

  • why did we use the traces that we did
  • what problems did we encounter
  • how do we interpret the outcome of the traces
  • etc

Haas Richard: The topics I want to cover are selection of temperature and choice of substrates and inhibitors to maximize information; problems with biological variability and reproducibility of assays; factors affecting variability including machine stability, oxygen tension, inhibitors; biological variables and problems related to handling of small quantities of materiaIs; is there a need for routine runs of control material?

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