Oroboros 25 years - since 1992

From Bioblast


Oroboros 25 years - since 1992

Oroboros 25 years

A celebration in the spirit of Gentle Science

Oroboros 25 years A celebration in the spirit of Gentle Science

Good luck from Joe and Irmgard Einwaller

» Bioblast pdf


Photography by András Mészáros

Science with thoughts - a brief reading list

  • Nietzsche F (1886) Die fröhliche Wissenschaft. A Kröner Verlag Stuttgart:330pp. - »Bioblast link«
Friedrich Nietzsche gave an answer to the question What is life?: Life, that means for us to transform all that we are continuously into lights and flames.
  • Schrödinger E (1944) What is life? The physical aspect of the living cell. Cambridge Univ Press (1st edition). - »Bioblast link«
What is life? is a good question to ask. For all of us, in biology, physics, economy, arts. Life is the economical processing of resources: energy, materials, information. We all learn from asking the question What is life - finding answers in our own variation and context.
  • Hofstadter DR (1979) Gödel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid. A metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the spirit of Lewis Carroll. Harvester Press:499pp. - »Bioblast link«
Douglas Hofstadter, the son of a physics Nobel laureate, gives us a 500 pages (or approximately 800 pages translation into German) explosion of relationships - isomorphic worlds - of music (BACH), pictures (ESCHER), and mathematics (GÖDEL). In the middle is the Ouroboros by ESCHER (1952).
  • Ende M (1979) The neverending story. Firebird (translation 1983):445pp. - »Bioblast link«
The neverending story takes us with the Ouroboros into a world of fantasy. To quote Nietzsche: These people from past times hada sense for dreaming and did not need primarily to fall asleep.
  • Talsma WR (1980) Wiedergeburt der Klassiker. Anleitung zur Entmechanisierung der Musik. Wort und Welt Verlag Innsbruck, Thaur 1980. - »Bioblast link«
Rebirth of classics. A guide to the demechanization of music. To be seen in the context of society, science, engineering, energy and life style.
  • Gnaiger E, Agreiter R (2009) Richard Agreiter: Mysterium der seriellen Form. Einmaligkeit – Wiederholbarkeit - Gültigkeit: Bedeutungswandel in Kunst und Wissenschaft. Oroboros MiPArt Publications, Innsbruck, Austria:53pp. - »Bioblast link«
Erst das wiederholte Ergebnis verleiht dem einzelnen Ereignis Gültigkeit und Wert. Je öfter die Wiederholbarkeit dem tatsächlichen Versuch standhält, umso mehr wird das ‚verifizierte’ Phänomen zur gültigen, naturgesetzlichen Erkenntnis. Die Wiederholbarkeit ist nicht Gegensatz sondern serieller Bestandteil des Einmaligen auf verschiedenen Stufen der Komplexität. Einmaligkeit entsteht durch Wiederholbarkeit, in der Suche des Künstlers und Wissenschaftlers nach unbeirrbarer Gültigkeit.
  • McDougall C (2009) Born to run: the hidden tribe, the ultra-runners and the greatest race the world has ever seen. Profile Books London:287pp. - »Bioblast link«
We met in Norway: 2013 Man in Extreme Environments. In this book, mitochondria were perhaps never mentioned, but the book is full of mitochondria and cell research.
  • Schatz G (2011) Feuersucher. Die Jagd nach dem Geheimnis der Lebensenergie. Wiley-VCH Verlag, Verlag Neue Zuercher Zeitung, Zuerich:221pp. - »Bioblast link«
Schatz G (2012) The fires of life. Annu Rev Biochem 81: 34–59. - If you think of fire engines, heat engines: Yes - in our cells. A pioneer, ex-Austrian (like Schrödinger) and Gentle Scientist.
  • Lane N (2002) Oxygen: The molecule that made the world. Oxford Univ Press:374pp. - »Bioblast link«
  • Lane N (2005) Power, sex, suicide: Mitochondria and the meaning of life. Oxford University Press. 354 pp. - »Bioblast link«
  • Coopersmith J (2010) Energy, the subtle concept. Oxford Univ Press:400pp. - »Bioblast link«
Power, energy, force, (pressure ?) .. some alchemy is missing, but: a great treatise of the difficulties of finding the right words. In the tradition of alchemy, the Ouroboros is present but hidden.
  • Kahneman D (2011) Thinking, fast and slow. Penguin Books 499 pp. - »Bioblast link«
  • Silver N (2012) The signal and the noise. The art and science of prediction. Penguin Press:534 pp. - »Bioblast link«
85% of biomedical science is not reproducible - a message included in MitoEAGLE.
  • Perteck D (2017) Das Buch Ouroboros. Gesammelte Legenden von Zauberern und Dämonen. Books on Demand Norderstedt:609pp. - »Bioblast link«
Perhaps, just forget this book and go back to the beginning - there is no end.

Programme 2017-12-12

Filou, Stiftgasse 12, Innsbruck
18:18 Xmas Glühwein at Filou - glowing art by Winfried Platzgummer
20:00 Percussion by Engelbert Gagl|serial music with bronce art by Richard Agreiter: alfred peschek: poésies lyriques 16 pur rythme
20:20 Oroboros 25: Science with thoughts
24:00 Midnight special

Some links

  • Oroboros and Ouroboros
» Oroboros 20 years: Bioblast 2012
  • MiPart - For many years Mitochondrial Physiology and Art - MiPArt gave us a series of opportunities to meet with colleagues and friends on topics beyond the daily struggles of science and business.
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