Talk:MitoFit DOI Data Center

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Folder with the Metadata: Q:\3D_MitoFit Preprint Arch

DOI Guidelines

How to provide a document with a DOI

  1. Go to the webpage ( and login with the credentials.
  2. Click on DOI tab.
  3. Click create DOI (Form) or File upload (Metadata update)

Index and register

The DOI is registered and indexed (findable in DataCite search) and the metadata distributed via OAI-PMH ( How often service providers (like search portals, databases) collect new metadata from DataCite OAI is up to them.
Each time we provide a document with a DOI we should make it visible in the pdf and in the DOI landing page (e.g, not only in the pdf version.


  • In order to integrate DOIs of publications in ORCID profiles (ORCID = Open Researcher and Contributor ID, nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors), it is best to add the ORCID in the DOI metadata XML. We can easily update the metadata and add ORCIDs anytime, this does not have to be done when submitting the DOI and its corresponding metadata for the first time. Authors can use the auto update function in ORCID to integrate their DataCite DOI publications.
  • We generate the metadata xml manually and use a metadata generator tool. As the 'Create DOI Form' integrated in DOI Fabrica only offers to create minimal metadata, we use the DataCite Metadata Generator - Kernel 4.1, which allows to create rich metadata.
  • Other options that could be interesting in the future - Metadata Generator Kernel 4.0

Making our publications visible on Google Scholar

From Katja Pletsch: "For indexing in Google Scholar, the meta tags of your website are important. Google Scholar parses your website and extracts information from there, DOI metadata is not relevant for Google Scholar". See Indexing guidelines and Troubleshooting.
Make sure that:
  1. the full text of your paper is in a PDF file that ends with ".pdf"
  2. the title of the paper appears in a large font on top of the first page
  3. the authors of the paper are listed right below the title on a separate line
  4. there's a bibliography section titled, e.g., "References" or "Bibliography" at the end
  5. Now search robots should find the paper and include it in Google Scholar within several weeks.
If it doesn't work, you could either (1) read more detailed technical guidelines in this documentation or (2) check if your local institutional repository is already configured for indexing in Google Scholar, and upload your papers there.
  • Journal Publishers:
Consider using one of the established journal hosting services, e.g., Atypon, Highwire, Ingenta and Silverchair. Aggregators that host many journals on a single website, such as JSTOR or SciELO, often work too, but check with your aggregator to make sure that they support full-text indexing in Google Scholar.
Alternatively, if you have the technical expertise to manage your own website, we recommend the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software that's available for download from the Public Knowledge Project (PKP).
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